HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!! The Garden Tomb was my favorite service I have been to all semester! People were singing Gospel music and I was loving it! I caught on pretty fast with the tune of the song and started belting the music! It was different, but I really loved it! It was fun to realize that we were all there for one purpose and that was to celebrate that Christ lives! It was so awesome! It was totally worth getting up at 4:00am!!!
We walked into the room and we had to pick a song and we only got to practice once and then had to play on the real thing. We picked the song "Lightly Row" it was pretty easy, but we did so good! Steve and I were nervous at first, but we got the hang of it! We played the bless for over 100,000 thousand people today. Who can say that they played bells for all Jerusalem on Easter Sunday......Not everyone!!
This is the view from the top of the YMCA!
After going to some services I went to the YMCA building to play the bells. We went all the way to the top of the tower and we were able to look out over all Jerusalem.
These were all the people outside of the Holy Sepulchre on Easter Sunday!
These are some people watching from above, looking down towards the wall!
We went to the Jewish quarters for breakfast and found out that the Chief Rabbi was coming to the western wall to speak. There were so many people down by the wall! It was crazy! So much was going on in the City today!
This was the live band that played all of the songs! You can see that everyone was really happy to be there!
This guy was sitting right next to us and he was totally into it! I loved how everyone was there for the same reason and that was to celebrate christ and his life! It was beautiful!